The Latest Basket Case Poem
A note from Dani Sue: I just love sharing this sweet video of my Granny! My Aunt Lillie, Granny's sister, wrote this lovely poem, and Granny would often bring it...
Danielle Anderson |
A note from Dani Sue: I just love sharing this sweet video of my Granny! My Aunt Lillie, Granny's sister, wrote this lovely poem, and Granny would often bring it...
Danielle Anderson |
A customer wrote and asked: ".... How do I calculate how many spokes I would need for a 5" slotted base?.....".Here's my answer:Your choice of 3/8" uprights with 1/4" weavers...
Danielle Anderson |
Basket Making Traditions in South Central KentuckyThis presentation at the Green County Public Library, Greensburg, Kentucky was held on Wednesday, Aug. 26, 2015.Beth Hester, folklorist and basket maker with The...
Danielle Anderson |
The Mammoth Cave Basket Makers Guild was founded in 2001 to preserve and promote traditional basket making of the south central Kentucky region. Follow the link for more information.
Danielle Anderson |
Materson Bransford was an enslaved guide at Mammoth Cave. He began guiding at Mammoth Cave in the year 1838. In this photo the basket he is holding was made in...
Danielle Anderson |