How to calculate the quantity of spokes for a round slotted base

Here's my answer:
Your choice of 3/8" uprights with 1/4" weavers will work.
Do you want a continuous weave? Do you want start and stop rows?
With a continuous weave, you will need an odd number of spokes.
With start and stop rows, you will need an even number of spokes.
Let's do the math:
5" times 3.14159 = 15.70795" This is the circumference. (3.14159 is PI)
Width of the spoke = 3/8". Width of the gap between spokes = 3/16".
Convert these to decimal and add together .375 + .1875 = .5625
Now divide the circumference by the width of the spoke and the gap: 15.70795 / .5625 = 27 or 28 spokes. You may want the gap slightly larger, but this gets you in the "ballpark".
If the 3/8" spokes seem too weak, try 1/2" spokes (you'll have to re-calculate the quantity) or a smaller weaver . I usually stick 5 or 6 spokes in the slot of the base and try different weavers to see what works. It should not take you very long to find the combination that suits you.
The pattern below "splits a 5/8" spoke to make an odd number"
County Fair Basket Pattern
The customer wrote back: "Thanks a million Scott.....I have never known exactly how to calculate the needed number of spokes, so really appreciate this tutorial....."